Alex Nathanson
Alex teaches Vinyasa Flow and Yoga Late classes at Complete Yoga.
Alex has played competitive sport his whole life. He was introduced to yoga by his cousin whilst preparing for a swimming race in Italy. He was fascinated to discover a vigorous physical activity that didn’t involve competition and didn’t leave his body beaten up.
As he explored yoga in his local gym one teacher there helped him discover the power of synchronising breath and movement and how breath control (pranayama) could powerfully influence one’s mental state. This set him on a yoga journey exploring the myriad options available in London. Initially drawn to a dynamic Ashtanga based practice, he has subsequently come to see all forms of good Yoga as paths leading to the same goal: a happier, quieter mind.
Most physical culture embraces a mantra of seeking pain to achieve gain. Yoga turns this mantra on its head and reveals the beauty of taking the instruction literally: no pain (ahimsa), no gain (aparigraha).
His classes are rooted in the Ashtanga practice of linking victorious breath to flowing movement. There will normally be music: an eclectic playlist that might go a little rogue. There will always be a strong emphasis on breathing mindfully, being in the moment, enjoying our ability to move (however much it may be that day) and when the time is right embracing the opportunity to surrender and be still.